Command blames lax security for Stolen Wraith Interceptor

A Wraith Interceptor was stolen Thursday from Station Juno, prompting its interception by two Wraith fighters, and ultimately leading to its destruction.

Stargaze Command HQ released a statement about the incident, which involved three Wraiths dogfighting early Thursday morning and resulting in pilots having to shoot down one of the fleets latest designs.

From the press release:

At 06:04 hours, an unknown entity infiltrated Hanger 14 on Station Juno and tried to escape with an Alpha Squadron Wraith Interceptor.

The stolen ship was shot down by two patrolling Wraiths after a short space battle. Some damage was sustained to one of the pursuing Wraiths, but the ship will be repaired and the pilot is in excellent condition.

Stargaze Command wants to thank the brave pilots for being alert and taking the initiative to engage the stolen vessel after witnessing it destroy two cargo vessels as it fled the hangar. 

Stargaze Command Admiral
Stargaze Command Admiral

“Due to the actions of the fine pilots today, we can rest easy knowing our ship designs are safe from the enemy,” Admiral said in front of a crowd of 40,000. “We know we have the best ships. That’s why our enemies are so intent on stealing one. As of today, I’ve ordered the engineer corps to install a self-destruct device into every ship in the fleet. Let’s keep our secrets.”

A short, yet intense battle took place in space over Regulas Three. Two Wraiths, one piloted by Z. Jordan McHansen and another by “Skips” Vanderhelsen, were able to knock out the Alpha’s weapons systems and main engines with well placed laser blasts.

Stargaze Command Battle

“The pilot of the stolen craft was taken into custody and will be interrogated according to protocol,” Deputy Director of Stargaze Command Intelligence Chiles Mogaxly said. “We’ll find out why the ship was targeted and where it was being delivered.”

This attempted ship theft is the fourth such case in as many weeks and has the Admiral doubling down on security.

“It could be a shape-shifter, ninja-commando, reptilian micro-spy, whatever,” Admiral said in a phone interview. “In any case, we will get all the information we need to find out who was responsible for this breach of security and deal with it accordingly.”

Families of the cargo vessel ships were saddened by Thursdays news and did not wish to comment. A service for the crews of the ships BEYOND and MORE MEATUS will be March 5 at the Imperial Gardens on Rigel Station.

Hans Gruber contributed to this report.


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