Pilots in hot water over beach flyover

Stargaze Command Ships Ocean
Apex Predator Transport NETA skims over the waves at the popular tourist destination Regulas Five Tuesday morning (Photo by Gillese Machino)

Crew of the transport ship NETA were disciplined by fleet command Wednesday due to a beach flyover incident that occurred early Tuesday morning over Regulas Five.

“We will not tolerate joyriding with fleet assets,” The Admiral said to a gathered crowd of reporters on Regulas Three. “We have taken care of the NETA crew for now. They will be peeling potatoes for the rest of the month.”

The NETA crew was ordered to take selfies with beachgoers and to pick up trash off the beach. Additionally, they will peel potatoes and perform light janitorial duties on Regulas Five.

“Off the record? This is absolute bullshit,” Pilot Kaylin McKade said. “I have a lot of respect for the Admiral, but making us detail fighters after they piss in the seats is not even close to cool for what we did. We put smiles on those people’s faces. We made waves for those kids in the water. Utter bullshit.”

A tourist who witnessed the event told her story about the NETA flyover event.

“All you could hear was those screaming engines,” Marissa Cullwetter told Stargaze Command News. “They were hitting the waves at one point. And you could hear them all yelling and laughing in there echoing like a tin can. They hovered over me as I was laying down in the suns. Those pilots need to learn some manners.”

Cullwetter was not the only one on the beach that day that felt the NETA was an unwelcome presence.

“I paid 1,500 credits for this trip — not to mention my wife’s boyfriends fuel costs — and I have to deal with stunts like this from our own military,” Oyster Farmer Bruce Taledaga said. “Can’t we just have some pilots who follow the rules?

It wasn’t all bad for the NETA crew on Tuesday as some witnesses enjoyed the display of gutsy flight skills.

“Those guys are rad,” Seven-year-old Tyler Durden said. “I didn’t know a transport could move like that and I really liked it when they grazed the dolphin while upside down. I want to be a pilot when I grow up.”

Mathew Busard contributed to this report.


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