Stargaze Command: New ships to join fleet

Stargaze Command Ships
A Stargaze Command Falcon Deep Space Explorer leaves the planet at a media event Wednesday (Photo by Doyle Hoggard)

Stargaze Command showed the first glimpse of its newest tactical fighters, transports and deep space explorers at an event for the media Wednesday.

Stargaze Command Admiral
Stargaze Command’s Admiral

The Admiral was beaming as a Falcon Deep Space Explorer vessel shot off the planet and into space.

“With these new assets the Federation now has the tools to respond quickly, effectively and strongly to any threat we may face,” The Admiral said. “We have a three pronged attack now. Fighters, transports and explorers. They can’t stop us.”

Stargaze Command Wraith
Stargaze Command Wraith

Another new ship design unveiled at the event was the new Wraith Interceptor. The single-seat craft is said to be able to deal damage to small and medium ships, can evade most missile systems and will cost around 500 credits each.

“I flew one of these yesterday and man,” Pilot Riki Bobert said. “The thing slaps you back in the seat, you know, and it’s so responsive to the controls it’s like dancing.”

Other pilots interviewed said the powerplants in the new batch of ships have been reworked, allowing for longer flights and more intense maneuvering against enemy craft without having to worry if they would be able to return home. Most of the pilots echoed the Admiral’s words.

The newly manufactured Apex predator Transport comes with 14 cupholders (Photo by Justin Werner courtesy of Halcyon-Werner Shipyards)

Rounding out the new vehicles from Halcyon-Werner Shipyards is the Apex Predator Transport. A much needed replacement to the aging Valkyrie series transport that recently suffered heavy losses in the Elgin Campaign, The Predator can carry up to 12 personnel and two assault vehicles while packing a punch with quad laser canons, two manned turrets and a bevy of countermeasures. This new design has a thicker hull, is faster and can vertically take off and land.

The event was hailed as a success by top brass for Stargaze Command and only a few activists and protesters showed up.

“We should not be spending credits on new ships,” Rexxian Refugee Boof Kincade said. “My family needs to get off that rock in the Giladias System and SC needs to make that happen!”

Kincade took his unique situation to the Admiral’s support staff and did leave the event smiling. The Admiral would not comment on Kincade’s family or if Stargaze Command was getting involved in the Giladias System’s Skirmish with neighboring Kalendee.

Bernard Huufsan contributed to this report.


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